Who is this course for?
Personnel requiring an introduction to or awareness of the Maritime Labour Convention.
Is previous experience required?
No previous experience is required to complete this course.
How will this course benefit me?
This course is designed to give an overall understanding of the Maritime Labour Convention and its importance to you as a seafarer or as a person with responsibilities relating to seafarers.
How will this course benefit my company?
By ensuring you have an overall understanding of the Maritime Labour Convention.
What standards are referred to in this course?
Maritime Labour Convention (MLC2006)
The ILO’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work
Is there an assessment?
Do you want more information about the course, or do you want to order?
Contact us at Tel: +47 24 15 55 55 , or send us an e-mail.
E-mail : support@trainingportal.co.uk