
Course catalogue

Course code: MGM-113
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 30 minutes
Language: English

Who is the course for?

Deck crew and any other personnel who require an understanding of cargo handling.

Is previous experience required?

No previous experience is required to complete this course.

How will the course benefit me?

This course will provide you with an overview of the hazards associated with cargo handling.

How will the course benefit my company?

This course will provide personnel with an overview of safe cargo handling.

What standards are referenced in the course?

International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code

International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) Annex V

Is there an assessment?

Once you have completed the course, you will be asked a series of questions to check your knowledge and understanding. These are based on the learning objectives for the course and have a pass mark of 80%.

Course code: MTP-066
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 10 minutes
Language: English (UK), Norwegia ...

Who is this course for? 

This course is aimed at personnel who do not routinely process personal data.


Is previous experience required?

You do not need prior knowledge or experience to complete this course.


How will the course benefit me?

Complying with the GDPR is mandatory for organisations processing personal data in the EU or EEA and for organisations processing the personal data of EU and EEA residents from abroad. This course raises awareness of the principles and rights enshrined in the GDPR and the obligations organisations have to comply with it.


How will the course benefit my company?

It will ensure you have an awareness of the principles and rights in the GDPR and their importance.


What standards are referenced in the course? 

• The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)


Is there an assessment?


Course code: MGM-144
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 40 minutes
Language: English

Who is the course for?

Deck Officers, Able Seamen and Engineering Ratings.

Is previous experience required?

No previous experience is required to complete this course.

How will the course benefit me?

By providing you with knowledge of the safe use and maintenance of shipborne cranes.

How will the course benefit my company?

By reducing the likelihood of accidents and improving personnel’s awareness of how to maintain shipborne cranes.

What standards are referenced in the course?

Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) Code of Safe Working Practices for Merchant Seafarers

Is there an assessment?

Once you have completed the course, you will be asked a series of questions to check your knowledge and understanding. These are based on the learning objectives for the course and have a pass mark of 70%.

Course code: MGM-065
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 45 minutes
Language: English

Who is the course for?

Marine Superintendents, Brokers, Traders and Industry Regulators.


Is previous experience required?

No previous experience is required to complete this course.


How will the course benefit me?

• You will be able to describe role of the bunkering business in the shipping industry, plus the fundamentals and key players operating within the bunkering sector.

• You will be able to describe how the market operates, any technical, commercial and operational considerations and how regulations play a role in the industry.

• The course will also be of value to shore staff, by providing general information and advice.


How will the course benefit my company?

The purpose of this course is to help seafarers who are involved in bunkering operations to act in compliance with the appropriate regulations and industry best practice to promote safe and efficient bunkering operations.


What standards are referenced in the course?

• International Safety Management (ISM) Code

• International Maritime Organization (IMO)


Is there an assessment?

Once you have completed the course, you will be asked a series of questions to check your knowledge and understanding. These are based on the learning objectives for the course and have a pass mark of 70%.

Course code: MGM-026
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 20 minutes
Language: English

Who is the course for?

Deck Management, Deck Crew, Engine Management and Shore based Personnel.

Is previous experience required?

No previous experience is required.

How will the course benefit me?

Providing you with an awareness of the importance of maintaining the maritime Oil Record Book.

How will the course benefit my company?

Ensuring personnel are familiar with the need to complete the Oil Record Book to comply with international requirements.

What standards are referenced in the course? International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL)

International Safety Management (ISM) Code 

Is there an assessment? 

Once you have completed the course, you will be asked a series of questions to check your knowledge and understanding. These are based on the learning objectives for the course and have a pass mark of 70%.


Course code: MGM-126
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 20 minutes
Language: English

Who is the course for?

Personnel working with or near to hazardous substances.

Is previous experience required?

No previous experience is required to complete this course.

How will the course benefit me?

This course will provide you with an overview of the requirements for the handling and storage of hazardous substances.

How will the course benefit my company?

This course will provide personnel with an overview of the requirements for the handling and storage of hazardous substances.

What standards are referenced in the course?

The International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) 

The International Safety Management (ISM) Code

The International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code

Is there an assessment?

Once you have completed the course, you will be asked a series of questions to check your knowledge and understanding. These are based on the learning objectives for the course and have a pass mark of 70%.

Course code: MGM-075
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 30 minutes
Language: English

Who is the course for?

Marine Engineers and Engineer ratings.


Is previous experience required?

No previous experience is required to complete this course.


How will the course benefit me?

By providing you with an understanding of why oily water separators are used in the Maritime Industry and guidance on their safe use.


How will the course benefit my company?

By ensuring personnel have an understanding of the importance of oily water separators and their safe use.


What standards are referenced in the course?

• International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL)


Is there an assessment?

Once you have completed the course, you will be asked a series of questions to check your knowledge and understanding. These are based on the learning objectives for the course and have a pass mark of 70%.

Course code: MGM-079
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 45 minutes
Language: English

Who is the course for?

Deck Officers, Maintenance Ratings and Able Seamen.


Is previous experience required?

No previous experience is required to complete this course.


How will the course benefit me?

The course will provide knowledge on the inspection and maintenance of hatch covers on bulk carriers.


How will the course benefit my company?

Personnel will have a greater understanding of the importance of inspecting and maintaining hatch covers, which will reduce the likelihood of accidents and incidents occurring.


What standards are referenced in the course?

• The International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea

• The International Convention on Load Lines


Is there an assessment?

Once you have completed the course, you will be asked a series of questions to check your knowledge and understanding. These are based on the learning objectives for the course and have a pass mark of 70%.

Course code: MGM-064
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 45 minutes
Language: English

Who is the course for?

Ship to Ship Superintendents, Marine Superintendents and anyone with responsibility for safety.


Is previous experience required?

No previous experience is required to complete this course.


How will the course benefit me?

By providing you with knowledge of critical safety procedures.


How will the course benefit my company?

By improving safety culture and demonstrating the competency of employees.


What standards are referenced in the course?



Is there an assessment?

Once you have completed the course, you will be asked a series of questions to check your knowledge and understanding. These are based on the learning objectives for the course and have a pass mark of 70%.

Course code: MGM-052
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 45 minutes
Language: English

Who is the course for?

All deck personnel.


Is previous experience required?

No prior knowledge or experience is required to complete this course.


How will the course benefit me?

This course will give learners an awareness of the safety requirements for anchoring operations.


How will the course benefit my company?

The course will ensure that learners are following best practice as detailed in national and international legislation and company procedures.


What standards are referenced in the course?

• International Safety Management (ISM) Code

• Requirements of Class

• The International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGs)

• The International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code


Is there an assessment?

Once you have completed the course, you will be asked a series of questions to check your knowledge and understanding. These are based on the learning objectives for the course and have a pass mark of 70%.

Course code: MGM-003
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 45 minutes
Language: English

Who is this course for?

All seafarers and shipboard personnel who require an overview of environmental management and ISO 14001.


Is previous experience required?

No previous experience is required to complete this course.


How will this course benefit me?

This course aims to provide learners with an introduction to ISO 14001 and environmental management in the maritime industry.


How will this course benefit my company?

Environmentally aware personnel can help to reduce the environmental impacts of operations and contribute to improved environmental performance.


What standards are referred to in this course?

International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL)

ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems

International Convention on the Control of Harmful Anti-Fouling Systems (AFS Convention)

International Convention for the Control and Management of Ship’s Ballast Water and Sediments (BWM Convention)


Is there an assessment?


Course code: MTP-059
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 30 minutes
Language: English, Norwegian, Br ...

Who is this course for?
All employees.

Is previous experience required?
No prior knowledge or experience is required to complete this course.

How will this course benefit me?
The course will help learners become aware of aspects relating to anti-corruption and anti-bribery as well as providing an overview of the relevant legislation. 

How will this course benefit my company?
By ensuring learners are aware of aspects relating to anti-corruption and antibribery.

What standards are referred to in this course?

• United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC)

• OECD Anti-Bribery Convention

• US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act

• US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA)

• UK Bribery Act

• German Anti-Corruption

• Norwegian Penal Code

Is there an assessment?
Once you have completed the course, you will be asked a series of questions to check your knowledge and understanding. These are based on the learning objectives for the course and have a pass mark of 80%.

Course code: MGM-010
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 45 minutes
Language: English, Norwegian

Who is this course for?

All personnel who require basic Medical First Aid knowledge and/or refreshed on the topic.


Is previous experience required?

You do not need prior knowledge or experience to complete this course. 


How will this course benefit me?

This course gives the learner the basic understanding of the general principles of first aid. It includes general body physiology, a look at various injuries and how to deal with them, and an overview of infectious diseases and how to prevent them.


How will this course benefit my company?

By ensuring you have a basic understanding of the general principles of first aid.


What standards are referred to in this course?

The course is based upon the STCW Elementary First Aid (A-VI/1-3)


Is there an assessment?

Once you have completed the course, you will be asked a series of questions to check your knowledge and understanding. These are based on the learning objectives for the course and have a pass mark of 80%.

Course code: MGM-004
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 60 minutes
Language: English

Who is this course for?

This course is for vessel masters, engineers and other shipboard personnel handling oil or chemicals.


Is previous experience required?

No previous experience is required to complete this course.


How will this course benefit me?

This course will make you aware of the actions to take when reporting an oil pollution incident as required by the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) and how to reduce or control the discharge of oil or chemicals following a spill.


How will this course benefit my company?

This course aims to provide learners with an overview of the procedures to be followed by the Vessel Master, or other persons in charge of a ship, when reporting an oil pollution incident, as required under the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) through the use of a Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan (SOPEP). It provides an overview of the actions to be taken by personnel on board to reduce or control the discharge of oil or chemicals following a spill; and the procedures and points of contact for coordinating shipboard reporting actions with national and local authorities.


What standards are referred to in this course?

• International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL)

• International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for 

   Seafarers (STCW)

• Oil Pollution Action (OPA) (US)


Is there an assessment?


Course code: MGM-084
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 35 minutes
Language: English

Who is the course for?

Deck Officers and Deck Crew Members.


Is previous experience required?

No previous experience is required to complete this course.


How will the course benefit me?

This course will provide you with an overview of the requirements of the International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargo (IMSBC) Code.


How will the course benefit my company?

To reduce the risk of unstable bulk cargo.


What standards are referenced in the course?

International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargo (IMSBC)

The International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS)


Is there an assessment?

Once you have completed the course, you will be asked a series of questions to check your knowledge and understanding. These are based on the learning objectives for the course and have a pass mark of 70%.

Course code: MGM-118
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 30 minutes
Language: English

Who is the course for?

All Maritime personnel involved in toolbox talks.

Is previous experience required?

No previous experience is required to complete this course.

How will the course benefit me?

This course will provide you with guidance and useful techniques to help you carry out effective toolbox talks.

How will the course benefit my company?

Communication is vital to workplace safety. This course aims to provide personnel with the knowledge and techniques required to carry out effective toolbox talks.

What standards are referenced in the course?

This course does not refer to specific legislation or standards.

Is there an assessment? 

Once you have completed the course, you will be asked a series of questions to check your knowledge and understanding. These are based on the learning objectives for the course and have a pass mark of 70%.


Course code: MGM-045
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 90 minutes
Language: English

Who is the course for?

All officers involved in the navigational watch.


Is previous experience required?

Previous navigational knowledge is recommended but is not required to complete this course.


How will the course benefit me?

By providing a well-rounded view of best navigational practices to ensure safe navigation.


How will the course benefit my company?

By improving the way officers combine equipment and human elements on the bridge to reduce the risk of incidents.


What standards are referenced in the course?

• The International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS)

• The International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW)

• The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL)

• The International Regulation’s for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGS)

• IMO Resolution A.893(21) Guidelines for Voyage Planning

• IMO Resolution A.999(25) Guidelines on Voyage Planning for Passenger Ships Operating in Remote Areas

• Vessel Inspection Questionnaires for Oil Tankers, Combination Carriers, Shuttle Tankers, Chemical Tanker and Gas Tankers (VIQ)


Is there an assessment?

Once you have completed the course, you will be asked a series of questions to check your knowledge and understanding. These are based on the learning objectives for the course and have a pass mark of 70%.

Course code: MGM-127
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 30 minutes
Language: English

Who is the course for?

Personnel who have the responsibility for carrying out hazard identification and risk assessments in the workplace.

Is previous experience required?

No previous experience is required to complete this course.

How will the course benefit me?

By providing learners with hazard identification awareness, which will enable them to evaluate hazards quickly and effectively.

How will the course benefit my company?

By providing personnel with the knowledge to quickly identify hazards and implement controls to manage them promote safety in the workplace.

What standards are referenced in the course?

No standards or regulations are referenced in this course.

Is there an assessment? 

Once you have completed the course, you will be asked a series of questions to check your knowledge and understanding. These are based on the learning objectives for the course and have a pass mark of 70%.


Course code: MGM-102
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 10 minutes
Language: English

Who is the course for?


This course is aimed at individuals required to board vessels, whether offshore or at the quayside.


Is previous experience required?

You do not need prior knowledge or experience to complete this course and it is assumed that you are competent in your designated role.


How will the course benefit me?

Personnel may board or be transferred to vessels by a variety of means, each of which has associated risks. This short course will give you a basic understanding of the different transfer methods and the risks involved.


The knowledge gained in this course will help you to stay safe when you need to board a vessel or be involved in a transfer operation. It will also indicate the hazards that may be present when there are activities being carried out near to personnel lifting operations.


How will the course benefit my company?

By ensuring you are fully aware of the dangers of personnel transfers, you can ensure that you transfer to your rig or vessel safely, without putting yourself or others at risk.


What standards are referenced in the course?

This course does not refer to specific legislation or standards.


Is there an assessment?

Once you have completed the course, you will be asked a series of questions to check your knowledge and understanding. These are based on the learning objectives for the course and have a pass mark of 70%.

Course code: MGM-090
Course type: E-learning course
Duration: 90 minutes
Language: English

Who is the course for?

All Maritime Engineering Officers.

Is previous experience required?

Previous experience is not required to complete this course.

How will the course benefit me?

By providing you with knowledge of Electrical Safety Rules.

How will the course benefit my company?

Reduction of Electrical incidents and accidents

What standards are referenced in the course?

SOLAS Chapter II-1 Part D Electrical Installations

International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 60092

Is there an assessment?

Once you have completed the course, you will be asked a series of questions to check your knowledge and understanding. These are based on the learning objectives for the course and have a pass mark of 70%.

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